Say a Prayer for Me...

Gilad Shalit
I know that ten million posts have already gone up to ask that you say a prayer for our kidnapped soldier to return home safely and whole, but one more wouldn't hurt. For the moment, I've decided to stop being angry and feel helpless. When my mother was suffering through grueling chemo therapy for her breast cancer, I felt pretty much the same way I feel now; impotent and helpless. It was at that most desperate moment that I realized that things were not up to me. They're up to G-d. At these harrowing moments, I feel that I need to just let go, and hope that He will give those in charge of this boy's life the courage and where withall to do right by him and by the country. If they choose not accept that help, than that's their failure; not His.
I would like to start a prayer chain. I know that I'm not the most popular blogger in the world, but I know that enough of you who read it know some-one else who knows some-else who would blog a prayer for an endangered soldier. By prayer chain, I don't mean posting for those who read it to say a prayer. That's already been done. I mean, actually putting a prayer for him on your blog that other people can repeat. People say different prayer for different reasons. I don't care about your religious observance; the more denominations, the better. Hindu, Muslim, Christian, whatever. If you're a human being that cares about others in need, you'll want to participate in this even if you have no connection or thoughts what-so-ever to this situation. Just, please place a prayer on your site and take a moment of silence to say it and spread the word. It doesn't have to be an "official" prayer. It can be in your own words. Pray to whatever G-d you believe in to look out for this incredibly young man and return him to his parents safe and sound.
Here is my prayer:
This is a soldier's psalm, actually written by an officer serving in Iraq. I have changed a few words, but it is essentially the same and seems fitting.
Your truth, O Lord, my shield shall be;
Under your wings shall I trust
Your flanks within,
Drenched with smoke and dust.
Soldiers see through this war
Chastened by each death.
War's steps take hold on Israel
Lest enemies be filled with strength,
Who wash down their cries with blood
As if gorging bitter grapes.
Soldiers see through this war
Glimpsed like a shade's face.
When will this war end?
Not with the sweep of a hand.
Comrades with comrades know
With bandaged temples and hands.
Soldiers see through this war
On a plain of sand.
O Lord I shall not be afraid
By the terror of the night;
Nor by the hate that torches
The length of daylight.
O keep my soul still, Lord,
For depths worse than hell.
Wonderful prayer.
That's a beautiful prayer. I'll put it up.
I put a Psalm on my blog this morning. This is a wonderful idea.
Thanks, debbie. It's really appreciated.
wbm, thank you. You all humble me. You're all just such amazingly wonderful people.
count me in...added my prayer...o and ill meet ya in jerusalem with moshiach...tonight..
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