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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

This Jew's For You, Gert!

These two clips are dedicated to our friend, Gert, in the hopes that he finds his sense of humor and "funny bone". Enjoy!

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At 6:51 PM, Blogger Gert said...

Well, I'm flattered!

And they are funny...

But you don't need to convince me of Jewish humour: perpaps the funniest man on the planet to me is Jackie Mason, who also does some "francophobic" jokes... But naturally I prefer his Bush/Blair/War on Terror jokes!

At 1:29 AM, Blogger Olah Chadasha said...

OK, so Jewish humor is OK, because making fun of the Jews is a world past-time, right? But, making fun of the French and all their fun ideosyncricies are off limits? Why? Because, they're so "sensitive"?

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Gert said...

Where did I say poking fun at the Fench is off limits? Nowhere, nor do I believe this. I merely pointed out that ehen someone makes Jews, Israel or Israelis the subject of similar jokes, then complaints of anti-Semitism would be heard. You can't see that? It would in fact be true even more in the US than anywhere else...

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Olah Chadasha said...

gert, gert, you also said that you never wrote anything about "francophobia". Are you retracting that statement now? Are the jokes and mockeries seen in these clips not similar in jest and nature to the French jokes? In fact, I, a Jew, think these jokes have more bite to them than the French ones, yet I still think they're funny. Nor, am I saying that they're anti-semitic. Are you Jewish? If you're not, how can you claim to know for a fact what Jews would consider anti-semitic? Are you Israeli? If you're not, how can you claim to know for a fact what Israelis would consider anti-Israel? By the way, in case you've forgotten, more than 20% of the Israeli population are NOT Jewish. You have no idea the jokes that are made here, about Israel, on extremely popular Israeli comedy and satire programs. Yet, for some reason, I haven't yet seen one protest against a joke made about Israel or Jews in Israel.

It's nice that you would defend the French, but don't think for one second that using the "If it were the other way around..." bit is going to work. You just don't have the credentials for it.

At 6:59 PM, Blogger Gert said...

I said I didn't write anything about francophobia here, nor did I come to their defense, just try and accept that. You're simply deflecting by trying to change the subject and concentrate on "my thing about francophobes".

And the fact that I'm not Jewish means I can't discern what some Jews would see as anti-Semitic? What kind of logic is that?

In that case only homosexuals can decide what is homophobic. In that case we need specialist homosexual judges to determine whether a homophobic assault is... homophobic! Don't be absurd...

At 3:01 PM, Blogger Olah Chadasha said...

Actually, Gert, it's very ILLOGICAl to think you can determine for some-one else what's offensive TO THEM if you're not them. How can you dare determine what's offensive to homosexuals if you're not homosexual? I might find these jokes funny, but one of my gay friends might find these offensive. If one of my gay friends were to find this offensive, I wouldn't dare try to convince them other-wise. That would be insensitive. You trying to convince me that "if it were the other way around..." those French jokes would be anti-semitic is also equally offensive. I mean, seriously, who the hell are you?

You shouldn't be that absurd to think you are the end all and be all of what's funny. You obviously barely have a sense of humor to begin with.

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Gert said...

No, I can't determine what is or is not offensive to an individual (unless I know the individual really well) but in many cases it is not hard to determine what would be offensive to a group of people.

You said that Jews have a sense of humour, even about the Holocaust. Well, I don't doubt that for one minute. But equally I'm very sure that if a non-Jewish comedian would have used the "ashtray joke" at the Edinburgh festival, many Jews and non-Jews alike would have been appalled and so they should have been (in my view).

I have the feeling you simply don't like me one little bit. Please just say so and I won't ever come here again. I mean "who the hell am I" to dare and voice an opinion here!

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