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Monday, March 26, 2007

How Do You Know You're In An Arab Country?

(I'm not a Thomas Friedman fan, in the slightest, but this is good.)

"When you cannot find a single garden in your city,
but there is a mosque on every corner - you know that
you are in an Arab country.

"When you see people living in the past, with all the
trappings of modernity - do not be surprised, you are
in an Arab country.

When religion has control aver science - you can be
sure that you are in an Arab country.

"When clerics are referred to as 'scholars' - don't be
astonished, you are in an Arab country.

When you see the ruler Transformed into a demigod who
never dies or relinquishes his power, and nobody is
permitted to criticize -do not be too upset, you are
in an Arab country.

When you, find that the large majority of people
oppose freedom and find joy in slavery - do not be too
distressed, you are in an Arab country.

When you hear the clerics saying that democracy is
heresy, but seizing every opportunity provided by
democracy to grab high positions - do not be
surprised, you are in an Arab country.

When you discover that a woman is worth half Of what
a man is worth, or less - do not be surprised, you are
in an Arab country.

When land is more important than human beings - you
are in an Arab country.

When fear constantly lives in the eyes of the people
- you can be certain you are in an Arab country.

Thomas L. Friedman is a columnist for The New York Times.


At 2:39 PM, Blogger Michael said...

Wow. Sometimes, even Friedman gets it exactly right.

At 5:18 PM, Blogger Olah Chadasha said...

I know! I think he's a complete wanker, excuse my British, when it comes to Israel, but this is spot on.


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