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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

MSM Ignores Deaths As Palestinians Continute To Be Killed.... BY THEIR FELLOW PALESTINIANS

I got this link this morning and feel that it's important to point out. This is a fact that doesn't just happen in Gaza or the West Bank. It is something that occurs all over the Muslim/Arab world. The entire echelon of the Mainstream Media always and completely ignores and disregards Muslim on Muslim or Arab on Arab violence. More Arabs/Muslims are killed by their fellow Arabs/Muslims than any Western country COMBINED. In Israel, it's especially prevalent. When a Palestinian, terrorist or not, is killed by Israel, the numbers are plastered on front pages and news alerts all over the Western world. When Palestinians are killing other Palestinians, not a SOUND-BYTE or BY-LINE to be found. Well, while the West has ignored the statistics, Palestinians just keep on dying at the hands of their brothers.

(Hat Tip: Soccer Dad)
"Grim milestone" reached: 500 Palestinian Arabs killed by each other this year

A 2 1/2 year old girl was shot and killed near the Jabalya "refugee camp" according to Palestine Today (autotranslated):

Palestinian medical sources announced this evening in the killing of infant girls mi lamp defrocked and that at age two and a half years due to injuries sustained in the head from an unknown source at the Ho Ha front of her house near the Civil Administration east of the Jabaliya refugee camp.

According to our correspondent in the northern sector, the girl "mi Shalhah" hit back Wednesday bullet in the head from an unknown source at the Ho Ha front of her house located in the street near railway from the Civil Administration, was transferred to hospital Shahid Kamal Adwan, hailing her death was announced later the same day.

We have reached the "grim milestone" of 500 PalArabs that we have been able to document violently killed by each other this year.

Since we started the self-death count 13 months ago, we have documented 705 violent deaths of Palestinian Arabs due to infighting, honor killings, "work accidents," shootings during funerals and weddings, children picking up bombs being built by their parents, and similar self-inflicted incidents.

Don't expect any press releases about this milestone, though.

UPDATE: 3rd death announced this morning from IJ/Hamas clashes. I guess that last Monday's Hamas media blitz to promote Gaza's safety is taking a hit. 501.

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